Denna bok har varit en utmaning för många kristna i hela världen att börja ett liv i konsekvent efterföljelse till Jesus. Ett liv som kräver full hängivenhet och har inverkan på omgivningen. Klart och tydligt ställer författaren de bibliska utsagorna i samband med vår vardag och visar, att ett liv i kompromisslös hängivelse lönar sig.

Denn utmanande klassiker kan man inte läsa utan att bli berörd. Skulle det inte förändra vårt land om vi som sanna Jesu Kristi lärjungar skulle omsätta hans ord i vardagen?


True Discipleship

If I would be asked to cite the ten books which have influenced me most since I became a Christian at the age of 17, this succinct book of William MacDonald will be one of them. Actually a book which was a compulsory reading for any person joining Operation Mobilisation in the 1970/80's. The author is a well known Anglo-Saxon Bible-teacher who passed away recently at a very advance age, and to whom I actually dedicate my up-coming new book in English: “A Lonely Path of Discipleship – George W. Hunter, Pioneer-missionary to the Remotest China”.

I am glad to see a new revised edition in Swedish, 136pp. I can warmly recommended to any Christian yearning to take seriously the claims and injunctions of the Lord Jesus, to read or re-read this challenging; yes radical, manual in harmony with the changeless / timeless requirements of our Divine Master. It covers the essential features of our testimony and ministry; our priorities and responsibilities and life-style and decisions as Christ's true disciples.

While the word 'Christian(s)' is only mentioned three times in the New Testament (Acts 11:26; 26:28 & 1 Pet.4:16) and in our days a designation much denuded of its profound meaning and implication, these early followers of Christ were more commonly refer as disciples, and as such of no surprise of their impact on their own surroundings bringing the gospel to the all stretch of the Roman Empire as far as the Indus river within a period of one hundred year.

In the mist of so much publications for easy consummation, this book to my estimation is a too rare commodity of inspiration and motivation reminding all Christians for whom and what we should live.

- Broder Henry

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Sant lärjungaskap

  • Tillverkare: Timoteus Förlag
  • Artikelnummer: 145.106
  • Författare: William MacDonald
  • ISBN: 978-91-89414-07-5
  • Sidor: 141
  • Bindning: Pocket
  • Publication Date: October 18, 2015
  • Tillgänglighet: I lager
  • 99.00kr

  • Exkl moms: 93.40kr

Taggar: lärjungaskap, efterföljelse